Director of Technology & Innovation Tricia Kilgore, P.E., reflects on how clean water impacts our lives in “Voices for clean water” by Southern Environmental Law Center. Click here to read the full article.
Articles & Media
Pamela Flasch
Director of Public Affairs
Email Pamela Flasch
Phone 843-987-8053
Morgan Ruscetta
Public Affairs Specialist
Email Morgan Ruscetta
Phone 843-987-8079
Haley Hughes
Public Education & Engagement Planner
Email Haley Hughes
Phone 843-987-8052
BJWSA’s Tricia Kilgore, P.E., featured in SELC’s Voices for Clean Water

BJWSA featured in S.C. Water Associations’ The Journal
BJWSA’s organization changes and new training program were featured in the S.C. Water Associations’ The Journal winter edition. Check out the full article here.

TPO magazine features BJWSA’s annual Trick-or-Treatment event
Treatment Plant Operator, a magazine for wastewater and water operators, engineers and lab technicians, features an event by BJWSA, Trick-or-Treatment, that offers a fun, carnival-like educational experience teaching the wastewater treatment process with many other informative presentations that relate to wastewater and water.

The Great BJWSA Sourdough Starter Experience
In order to accurately answer a customer’s question regarding sourdough starters and chlorine vs. chloramines, two of BJWSA’s staff members launched their own investigation called The Great BJWSA Sourdough Starter Experience. Tricia Kilgore, P.E., director of technology and innovation and Pam Flasch, director of public affairs, baked starter bread, one using chlorinated water and chloraminated water and the other using filtered water. Kilgore included her six year old son, Henry, to assist with the project. The article, submitted by Kilgore and Flasch, gives the details of this self-imposed research.
Check out the complete magazine here. The entertaining and educational article starts on page 39.

BJWSA’s Trick-or-Treatment event featured in magazine
BJWSA held a special event in October 2019 and The Water Environment Association of South Carolina (WEASC) and the South Carolina Section of the American Water Works Association (SCAWWA) shared the event in their quarterly publication. The article features a two-day partnership with some Beaufort County schools and BJWSA. Our staff provided tours and presentations of two of our wastewater plants using “Trick or Treat” as our theme. The focus was our superheroes who work everyday to provide safe drinking water and particularly safe reuse and reclamation of wastewater. Pam Flasch, director of public affairs, wrote the article. See the complete magazine here. The feature starts on page 73.