(Okatie, SC; July 19, 2021) – Beaufort-Jasper Water and Sewer Authority (BJWSA) Chelsea Water Treatment Plant received the prestigious Phase IV “Excellence in Water Treatment Award” of recognition from the Partnership for Safe Water.

    The Partnership is a drinking water optimization program sponsored by AWWA, the USEPA and four other water organizations to recognize water suppliers that continuously provide their communities with drinking water quality that surpasses the required regulatory requirements through treatment plant and distribution system optimization. Phase IV Excellence Award goals are the highest possible level of performance and operations that can be achieved in the four-phased program. The Phase IV Excellence in Water Treatment Award recognizes utilities for achieving very stringent and comprehensive requirements and goals.

BJWSA has been participating in the Partnership’s treatment program since 1998. The Chelsea Water Treatment Plant received the treatment program’s Excellence in Water Treatment Award. The plant joins an elite group of drinking water plants across North America to receive this award.

The Partnership for Safe Water is a voluntary self-assessment and optimization program for water treatment plant and distribution system operation. More than 250 utility subscribers, collectively serving more than 100 million people, are committed to the Partnership’s goals of providing safe, high-quality drinking water through achieving operational excellence in water treatment. Partnership members participate in a rigorous four-phase self-assessment and peer review process, developed by industry experts, and are recognized for their commitment to delivering safe water to their communities.

Information about BJWSA can be found online at www.bjwsa.org.

