BJWSA has the first residential irrigation service of its type in South Carolina. We are supplying the Hilton Head Lakes North community and its residents with reclaimed water for all of their irrigation needs, including residential lots, common areas, landscaped medians and their golf course.
While most wastewater treatment facilities discharge their treated water to a river or a lake, BJWSA has been a leader in reusing reclaimed water for irrigation for the last 20 years. We deliver an average of three million gallons a day of reclaimed water to area golf courses from March to September. Using reclaimed water for irrigation means that less water has to be taken from the river and treated to drinking water standards, stretching the life of our existing facilities and reducing long-term costs.
For many years, BJWSA has been providing treated wastewater to golf courses for much needed irrigation. We currently serve 12 golf courses from our Cherry Point Water Reclamation Facility in southern Beaufort County. Port Royal Island Water Reclamation Facility provides irrigation water to the Secession Golf Course in northern Beaufort County and has the capacity to serve additional courses. Our Palmetto Bluff Wastewater Treatment Plant provides irrigation water to the May River Golf Club. The St. Helena Wastewater Treatment Plant irrigates the two golf courses on Dataw Island, as well as a portion of Henry’s Sod Farm.
When our Cherry Point Water Reclamation Facility has a surplus of reclaimed water, the excess water is recycled into the Great Swamp. Our Great Swamp Effluent Management System helps to protect 980 acres of natural forested wetlands. Our Port Royal Island Water Reclamation Facility recycles surplus water into the Beaufort River.