BJWSA is a quasi-governmental entity and a political division of the State of South Carolina created by the Legislature. We are a public entity that is governed by a board of directors consisting of eleven members, who have been recommended by Beaufort County and Jasper County legislative delegations and appointed by the governor of South Carolina. Our General Manager oversees the organization and reports directly to the board. She is assisted by our Deputy General Manager.


General Manager
Verna Arnette, P.E.
Executive Assistant/Clerk to the Board
Rachael Ferrara
Deputy General Manager
Sarah Linkimer, CPA
Director of Innovation & Technology
Tricia Kilgore, P.E.
Director of Public Affairs
Pamela M. Flasch

Public Affairs Specialist
Morgan Ruscetta

Public Education and Engagement Planner
Haley Hughes

Director of Human Resources
Curt Palmer
Benefits Administrator
Kelly Lee
Chief of Engineering
Paul Vincent, P.E.

Director of Engineering



Senior Construction Manager

Dennis Holland


Development Projects Manager
James Clardy


Administrative Coordinator, Development Projects
Sarah Santana

Chief of Customer Care
Linda Tillery
Customer Service Manager
Jane McCormick
Director of Field Operations & Military Programs
Andrew Mattie
Field Operations Manager North
Justin Vaughn

Field Operations Coordinator North
Debora Gibson

Field Operations Manager South

Robert Lemieux

Field Operations Coordinator South
Cindy Heaton

Chief of Finance and Support Services
Beth Lowther, PMP

Procurement Manager
Tammy Holman, CPPB

Procurement Specialist
Taylor Daley

Accounting Manager
Steven Pecko, CPA

Chief of Technical Services
Kenneth Frazier, MBA

IT Manager
Jon Torrescano

GIS Manager
Patrice Moore

Chief of Plant Operations
Brian Chemsak, P.E.

Administrative Coordinator Plant Operations

Wastewater Operations Manager
Earl Sheppard

Water Operations Manager
Kevin Sexton

Laboratory & Water Quality Manager
Sheila Felton

Director of Technical Maintenance
Justin Thomas

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